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넷플릭스로 영어공부 : 500일의 썸머


500일의 썸머



A : But you should know up front, this is not a love story.

  • Up front : in advance
    • you should tell me up front. 지금 당장 말해.


A : I heard she’s a bitch. Patel tried to talk to her in the copy room. She’s totally not having it. … And maybe she’ an uppity, “better than everyone” superskank.

B : That sucks. Why is it pretty girls think they can treat people like crap and get away with it?

A : Centuries of reinforcement.

  • Not having it : 받아들이지 않는다.
  • Uppity : 거만한, 건방진
  • Superskank : a girl who gets around an extreme amount. she is over the top flirty and is addicted to sex. her sole purpose in life is to sleep with as many guys as possible. 
  • Centuries of reinforcement : 만고불변의 진리지. 수백년동안 그래왔지(증명되었지)


A : Let me break it down for you. Relationships are messy, and people’s feelings get hurt. Who needs it? We’re young, we live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Might as well have fun while we can and save the serious stuff for later.

  • Let be break it down for you : 자세하게 설명해줄게.
  • Might as well : We can use may as well and might as well for making suggestions. We can use them to say what we think is the easiest or most logical course of action when we cannot see a better alternative. They are both fairly informal. (May as well and might as well don’t mean the same as may also and might also, in the sense of ‘possibly in addition’)
  • Ex. We don’t know anyone here and they’re discussing stuff that doesn’t concern us. We might just as well leave.


A : me thinks the lady doth protest too much.

B : The lady dothn’t.

A : I guess we can just agree to disagree.

  • The lady doth protest too much, methinks : 세익스피어 햄릿에 나오는 말. Doth=does. Methink=I think. 지나친 부정은 긍정을 의미한다.
  • We can agree to disagree : 이 정도 선에서 끝내자. 서로 의견 다른 걸 인정하자.


B : level with me

  • Level with me : 내 level로 맞추자 --> 잘 따라와라. 분위기 파악해라. 솔직히 말해봐라(난 모르고 넌 아니까)

A : Well, why rock the boat, is what I’m thinking. I mean, things are going well.

  • Rock the boat : 평온한 상태를 굳이 흔들다. 괜히 action을 취해서 굳이 일을 만들다/망치다.



B : Well, you’re not the only one that gets a say in this!

  • Get a say : 발언권이 있다. 상관이 있다. = have a say



A : What do you want to do?

B : I think I’m just gonna call it a day.

  • Call it a day : to stop what you are doing because you do not want to do any more or think you have done enough:
    Ex. I'm getting a bit tired now - let's call it a day
    Ex. After 14 years living and working in this country, she thinks it's time to call it a day.


<넷플릭스로 영어공부 하는 Tip 게시글>


넷플릭스로 영어 공부 하는 법

영어공부를 하고자 하는 사람들에게 가장 많이 추천하는 것은 바로 '영어에 많이 노출'되는 것이다. 다행히 불과 오년 전 미국드라마로 영어를 공부하겠다고 할 때만 해도, 열심히 미국드라마




넷플릭스로 영어공부 : 한영 통합자막 동시 재생, 스크립트 다운 방법

넷플릭스로 영어공부를 지속하고 있다가, 영어 공부를 위한 좋은 tool 이 있다는 사실을 발견했다! 이번 게시물은 한영 통합자막을 동시 재생할 수 있게 해주는 크롬 확장 프로그램, 문장을 쉽게


