넷플릭스로 영어공부 : 러브 이즈 블라인드 (Love Is Blind)
상황 : 마크와 버넷 사이에서 갈팡질팡하던 제시카가 버넷으로 마음을 굳히고 마크한테 미안하다고 하는 상황.
A : I came into this wanting to find someone, but I didn’t know that I was going to have to hurt someone else, too. So I think that’s wearing on me more than anything.
- Wear on someone : if something wears on you, it is annoying, and makes you tired.
ex. Your constant complaining is really wearing on me.
상황 : 버넷이 앰버와 LC 사이에서 간보자 앰버가 현재 상황을 아슬아슬하다고 표현함.
A : And if it’s just feels like such high stakes right now.
- High stakes : high-risk, dangerous; having the potential for very significant gains or losses.
상황 : 카메론과 로렌이 얼굴 보고 처음으로 같이 휴가를 보내는 중. 카메론이 우린 서로 알아보고 있어요, 하는 상황.
A : We’re definitely sizing each other up. Yeah, I like what I see, to put it very lightyly.
- Size sth/sb up : to examine something or someone carefully and decide what you think about it, him, or her:
ex. Voters are still sizing up the candidates.
상황 : 앰버가 버넷의 부모님을 만나뵈러 감. 버넷의 부모님은 앰버를 보고 불편해 하고 있음.
A : My parents seem uncomfortable. Maybe shell-shocked is a good word for it.
- Shell-shocked : shocked or confused because of a sudden alarming experience.
상황 : 지지와 데미안이 서로에게 마음에 안 드는 점을 말하면서 대화 중.
A : I haven’t stood up to it because I was trying to let you be you.
- Stand up to sth : to refuse to accept unfair treatment from a person or organization
ex. He’ll respect you more if you stand up to him.
ex. Cliff couldn’t stand up to bullying.
상황 : 제시카가 친구들 만나서 마크에 대한 얘기를 하려고 하는 상황. 이것도 좋고, 저것도 좋아… 하다가 이제 나이 얘기를 꺼내려고 함.
A : Here’s the kicker, ladies. … He’s actually 24.
- Here’s the kicker : the sentence that follows is ironic or surprising in some way. 앞과 반대되는, 놀랄만한 내용의 이야기를 시작할 때.
상황 : 데미안이 지지와 결혼하기 직전, 지지를 사랑하는 이유-감정적이고, 그래서 내가 항상 조심하게 만들고, 지루하지 않게 만들고 등등 얘기 중.
A : Her heart’s big, um, she feels everything, so she’s very emotional, but it keeps me on my toes.
- Keep someone on their toes : If you say that someone or something keeps you on your toes, you mean that they cause you to remain alert and ready for anything that might happen.
상황 : 나이 차이가 열 살이 나는데도 친구들이 별로 놀라지 않자, 제시카가 ‘그게 아마 유행인가보죠. 제 친구들도 다 동의했네요’ 라고 독백 인터뷰 하는 상황.
A : So that’s a fad and it’s really hot right now. Like, oh, okay, so, y’all are on board.
- Be on board with : "be in agreement with"
ex. "I assume you're on board with my new ideas for the future of our company"
상황 : 켈리가 결혼식 직전 여동생한테 결혼하는 경우와 결혼하지 않는 경우 두 가지에 대해 얘기하고 있음.
A : So I’ve, like, weighed both scenarios out.
B : What are some of your cons?
A : If I were to say “I do”, and something were to happen, like, that’s what the only fear that I have is that it doesn’t work out.
- Weigh out : 두 개를 무게를 달아서 비교할 때 사용 가능. 원래는 무게를 잰다 정도의 정확한 의미를 가지고 있다. to measure an exact amount of something
ex. He weighed out every portion of sugar, flour, and dried fruit. - Con : a disadvantage or a reason for not doing something
ex. You have to weigh up all the pros and cons of the matter before you make a decision.
상황 : 켈리가 결혼식장에서 케니를 거절한 뒤 인터뷰 하는 상황. 케니는 모든 면에서 완벽했지만 사랑이 그렇게 강렬하지 않았다…
A : and he’s checking off every box, but my love, my feelings for him were not as intense as his apparently are for me.
- Check off box : 직역하면 박스에 체크표시를 하다 인데 여기서 비유적으로 모든 박스에 체크표시를 했다 à 모든 조건을 만족했다, 모든 면에서 완벽했다 정도로 사용되었음.
상황 : 데미안과 지지과 여전히 관계를 이어나가고 있다는 것을 동창회에서 밝히자, 엠씨가 자 자세히 얘기해봐 하는 상황.
A : Damian and Gi, so y’all are together? Please dish.
- Dish (v) : to tell people unpleasant or shocking personal information about someone
ex. She agreed to dish the dirt on her ex-husband for a large fee.
상황 : 켈리가 왜 케니를 거절했었는지에 대해 이야기 하고 있음.
A : I did love you, and I wanted to continue our journey of dating and getting to know one another. That didn’t happen, and it’s water under the bridge now, and I’m so happy for you and your relationship, but, um, I think I just needed time.
- Water under the bridge : 지나가서 더 이상 중요하지 않은 일. used to refer to events or situations that are in the past and consequently no longer to be regarded as important or as a source of concern.
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