굿윌헌팅 Good Will Hunting 영어대본
상황 : 교수가 학생들한테 다음 시간까지 할 증명 숙제 내주고 이미 배웠겠지만, 복습도 나쁘지 않지 하는 상황
A : I know many of you had this as undergraduates, but it won’t hurt to brush up.
- Brush up : to improve your knowledge of something already learned but partly forgotten
상황 : 차 안에서 B가 먹고 싶어하는 샌드위치를 A가 대신 돈 지불해서 사서 들고 있다. B가 샌드위치 달라고 하니까 A가 너 돈 얼마 있냐? 내가 샌드위치 자선사업하니? 그럼 니가 가지고 있는 16센트 지금 내고 할부로 매일 6cents씩 내. 샌드위치는 주말에 받겠네. ㅋ 하면서 짜증내는 상황.
A : How much money you got on you?
B : I said I’d get change when I get the snow cone. I said that before when we pulled up. Why don’t you just give my my sandwich and stop being a prick.
A : All right, well, give my your fuckin’ 16 cents that you got on you now. We’ll put your fuckin’ sandwich on layaway. Here we go. Keep it right up here for ya. We’ll put you on a program. Every day you come in with you six cents. At the end of the week, you get your sandwich.
B : Why you gotta be an asshole?
A : What am I, fuckin’ sandwich welfare? I think you should establish a good line of credit.
- Pull up : to stop the vehicle that you are driving
ex. He pulled up in front of the gates. - Layway : n. a system of paying for goods in small amounts and receiving the goods after the full amount has been paid, or goods bought in this way
ex. Could I buy/put the dress on layaway? - you should establish a good line of credit. : 평소에 잘 해야지 (믿을 수 있게)의 뉘앙스
상황 : 교수가 내 줬던 아주 어려운 수학문제를 윌이 풀고 사라져서, 그게 누군지 궁금한 학생들이 교수의 수업에 몰려와서 인원이 아주 많아졌음. 교수가 웰, 아마 너희는 내 수업을 들으러 온게 아니라 비밀에 쌓인 수학 천재가 누군지 궁금해서 왔겠지. 하면서 수업을 시작하는 상황.
A : Well, by no stretch of my imagination do I believe you’ve all come here to hear me lecture. Rather to ascertain the identity of the mystery math magician.
- By no stretch of imagination : used to emphasize that something is not true, does not happen, etc.
Ex. They're not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination.
Ex. By no stretch of the imagination does the factory operate efficiently. - Ascertain : find (something) out for certain; make sure of.
ex. an attempt to ascertain the cause of the accident
상황 : NSA에서 잡인터뷰를 보고 있는 윌이 ‘왜 제가 당신들이랑 일해야 하죠?’ 라고 묻자 ‘최신 기술이랑 일할 수도 있고~’ 라면서 이유를 말하다가, ‘네가 여기서 일해야 하는 이유가 아니라 일하지 않을 이유를 물어야지’라고 하자, 윌은 ‘어렵지만 말해보죠’ 하고 NSA에서 일하기 싫은 이유를 말하기 시작함.
A : Well, you’d be working on the cutting edge. … So the way I see it, the question isn’t, “Why should you work for the NSA?”. The question is, “Why shouldn’t you”
B : Why shouldn’t I work for the NSA? That’s a tough one.. But I’ll take a shot.
- cutting edge : someone or something that is the latest, greatest and newest
ex. The new company I work for is on the cutting edge of medical science. - Take a shot : try to do something; to attempt to do something
상황 : ‘너의 소울메이트는 누구니’라는 질문으로 시작해서 토론하는 윌과 선생님.
A : What winds your clock?
B : Working with you
A : Where’s your soulmate? You wanna talk about soul mates? Where is she?
B : Dead.
A : That’s right. She’s fuckin’ dead. She fuckin’ dies, and you just cash in your chips and you walk away?
B : Hey, at least I played a hand.
A : Oh, you played a hand and you lost. You lost a big fuckin’ hand.
- Wind clock : to make a clock/toy/watch, etc work by turning a small handle or button several times:. 시계태엽을 감다가 직역인데 여기선 선생님한테 영감을 주는 건 뭔데요 정도로 의역됨.
- Cash in someone’s chips : (1) to get money for tokens won while gambling; (2) to die; (3) to quit something; (4) to try to make a profit, usually at someone else's expense.
- Play a hand : a.) to take an active role
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