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Netflix로 영어공부 : 퍼펙트 데이트 대본


Perfect Date


상황 : 자소서에 너 엄마가 너 떠난 걸 써! 엄마는 타운을 떠난거지. 그걸 비난할 순 없어. 라고 대답하는 상황.

A : Yeah, but she left you too.

B : No, I think in truth she left this town, and I can’t hold that against her.

  • Hold sth against : to consider something as a reason to have a bad opinion about someone or something:
    He made a mistake, but I don’t hold it against him – we all make mistakes.



상황 : 셀리아가 애프터 파티에 초대했는데 여자는 가기 싫어하고 남자는 가고 싶어했지만 여자 눈치보고 다음 기회에? 하고 승낙하다 말고 거절하는 상황.

A : So, I’m having this intimate after-party thing at my place. You guys should come.

B : Yeah, I mean, that’s.. She’s, you know, but rain check?

A : That’s a shame.

  • Rain check? : 다음 기회에?
  • That’s a shame : 아쉽네


상황 : 남자가 너무 fake 남자친구 역할을 잘하니까 머야 네 본업이니? 직업이니? 하는 뉘앙스로 반응함.

A : Wow, you’re a real professional. Like, is this your stock-in-trade?

B : No.

A : It should be. I’m telling you, you’re really good at it.

  • Stock-on-trade: the typical characteristics or behaviour of someone or something:
    ex. The song was perfect for the soft vocals that are her stock-in-trade.


상황 : 남자가 친구한테 앱 같이 만들자~ 너 좋고 나 좋잖아~ 하는 상황.

A : Come on, it is classic quid pro quo. … Look, worst case scenario, I take the money, and I get ownership stake in this here fine establishment. I can finally live out my eighth-choice dream of a being a fast food restaurant owner.

  • Quid pro quo : a favor or advantage granted or expected in return for something.
  • Live out : live out something to experience or do something that you have planned or hoped for ; fulfil, realize
    ex. The money enabled them to live out their dreams.


상황 : 세실리아가 관심있는 남자한테 못 가고 있으니까 가, 말 걸어 하고 도와주는 상황

A : If you wanna go talk to him, you should just go talk to him.

B : I know. I’m working up to it.

A : This is ridiculous, come on.

B : Stop it.

A : You’re making it worse by making a scene.

  • Work up to : proceed gradually toward (something more advanced or intense).
  • Make a scene : To create a loud, typically angry disturbance or display in public, such that it draws attention to those involved.