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유튜브로 영어공부 : Why Amazon has a fake review problem




From Facebook groups where bad actors solicit paid positive reviews to bots and click farms that upvote negative reviews to take out the competition, fake reviews have boosted sales of unsafe products caused huge brands to sever ties with Amazon and hurt business for legitimate sellers.

  • solicit : 간청하다
    ask for or try to obtain (something) from someone.

We decided to find out why fake review have infiltrated Amazon, how customers can spot an unreliable review, and what the trillion dollar company and others are doing to stop them.

  • infiltrate : 침투시키다
    enter or gain access to (an organization, place, etc.) surreptitiously and gradually, especially in order to acquire secret information.

And as shoppers increasingly turn online for things they'd normally want to shop for in person, like the nursing bras made by Simple Wishes, there's a higher chance of serious repercussions from the purchases of a counterfeit.

  • repercussion : an unintended consequence occurring some time after an event or action, especially an unwelcome one

I felt like I just struck gold finding my competitor there, reported it to Amazon and nothing happened.

  • strike gold : 대박을 치다 

