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유튜브로 영어공부 : Why Amazon has so many counterfeit goods


Why Amazon has so many counterfeit goods

링크 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfPM3i9NIHM&feature=youtu.be


Seizures of counterfeit products at U.S. borders have increased 10-fold over the past two decades.

  • seizure : 압수량
  • 10 fold increase : 10배 증가
    (Mathematics) equal to or having 10 times as many or as much: a tenfold increase in population.

The economic cost of counterfeiting is mounting

  • mount : v. (서서히) 증가하다

We visited one of the busiest entry points in the U.S. to get a glimpse at the influx of fake products and to find out what authorities are doing to stop counterfeiting.

  • get a glimpse : v. 언뜻 보다, 편린을 보다
    If you had a brief or incomplete look at something, you had a glimpse. "He didn't mean to peek, but he got a glimpse of his birthday present when his wife tried to sneak it into the house.

Counterfeiters make money by luring consumers to these well-known brands, trying to convince them they're getting a deal on the real thing.

  • lure : v. 꾀다, 유혹하다

They are not held to the same standard, they can go under the radar, they don't have to worry about  the FDA. Not only is it not going to probably treat the ailment that you have, but it's potentially going to give you the ailments because you just don't know what's in that product. 

  • hold to : v. 지키다
    (hold someone to something) to make someone continue to behave according to a particular belief or standard Anyone appointed to this position should be held to the highest ethical standards.
  • ailment : 질병

E-commerce platforms like eBay, Amazon and Alibaba have ushered in a golden age for counterfeiters.

  • usher in : ~이 시작되다
    to be at the start of a new period, especially when important changes or new things happen, or to cause important changes to start happening:
    These changes could usher in a period of dramatic economic growth.
    His inventions helped usher in the era of skyscrapers.

When Amazon heard about the breadth of the issue, they take over the case. Amazon has subpoenaed other tech and financial firms to try to get more information about the fakers' identities.

  • take over : 인계받다, 탈취하다, 인수하다
  • subpoena : 소환하다

The immense cost of counterfeiting cases on top of brand damage and loss sales are too high for some businesses to take on.

  • take on : 책임을 지다, 일을 맡다

But if they're based in China, there's no way we can enforce our intellectual property rights in China.

  • enforce : 강요하다, 법률 등을 집행하다

The bottom line is, if it looks too good to be true, it is.

  • The bottom line is ~ : 결론은~ 요점은~
  • too good to be true : 너무 좋아서 믿을 수 없는--> 결국 진짜가 아닌
    so good that it is hard to believe, or seeming very good but not real:
    Her new job sounds too good to be true.
    I'm not surprised the offer wasn't genuine, it sounded too good to be true.


