
기사로 비즈니스 영어공부 : Omnichannel Grocery Is Open for Business—and Ready to Grow

Hada-doing 2021. 1. 17. 09:17

링크 : www.bain.com/insights/omnichannel-grocery-is-open-for-business-and-ready-to-grow/


Omnichannel Grocery Is Open for Business—and Ready to Grow

With consumer habits still evolving, traditional grocers have a unique opportunity to lead the online migration.




  • A can seize an opportunity by addressing B : B를 함으로써 기회를 잡을 수 있다
    • They can seize this opportunity by addressing three imperatives
  • It boils down to 결론 : 결론/핵심으로 귀결된다
    • But what does “convenience” mean when buying groceries online? It boils down to an experience that saves time, while also creating an intuitive and frictionless shopping experience from start to finish.
  • Breaking down A into discrete steps reveals B : A를 더 쪼개서 보면 B를 알 수 있다
    • Breaking down the end-to-end grocery shopping journey into discrete steps reveals exactly where the convenience gap exists today and where retailers should focus their efforts.
  • When it comes to A, ~ : A라는 주제에 대해서 이야기할때, 
    • When it comes to building share online, traditional grocers have an unexpectedly powerful advantage, the Bain and Google research found.
    • Because there is a general consumer stickiness when it comes to online grocery
  • A discussion of A cannot be complete without a look at B : A에 관한 논의는 B를 제외하고 할 수 없다
    • A discussion of online grocery adoption cannot be complete without a look at the elephant in the checkout line: Amazon. 



  • have yet to : It refers to an event that has not occurred so far but that might occur in the future 아직은 일어나지 않았지만 곧 "일어날" 일
    • Two decades after online grocers rushed into IPOs during the dot-com boom, the US has yet to fully embrace online grocery shopping.
    • c.f. have not yet p.p : 곧 '일어날'일이라던가, 아직 '하고 싶다, 할 것이다' 의미 없이 단순히 아직 못했다 정도에서 그치는 뉘앙스.
    • Online grocery shopping has not yet found a way to digitally replicate these cues simply and intuitively.
  • outline : to give the main facts about something
    • New research of more than 8,000 grocery shoppers across the US by Bain & Company and Google outlines what retailers can do to capitalize on the opportunity ahead. 
  • ingrained : (of beliefs) so firmly held that they are not likely to change
    • But it won’t be easy. Grocery shopping habits are deeply ingrained, and online grocery providers continue to struggle with persuading customers to adopt online shopping fully after an initial trial.
  • impediment : 장애물 something that makes progress, movement, or achieving something difficult or impossible
    • This disappointment and perceived convenience gap is a major impediment to regular adoption of online grocery shopping in the US today.
  • table-stakces : 소비자가 구매할 때 고려하는 '최소요건' --> 필수적으로 만족해야 하는 것the term table stakes in business refer to the minimum offering on any aspect of a product before it is considered for purchase by a customer.
    • Innovations like those above - coupled with continuous improvement on table-stakes execution such as accurate orders and punctual deliveries - promise to close the gap between the online and in-store experience. 
  • incumbent : officially having the named position
    • incumbent advantage --> 기존 진입자들이 이미 가지고 있는 경쟁우위
    • Incumbent grocery retailers can call on one of their most valuable assets—their own shopper data—to seize this opportunity and deliver targeted messages to shoppers at the right time.


